Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Will Ferrel By Dwayne Epstein

I decided to read the book "Will Ferrel" by Dwayne Epstein the copyright date of this book was 2005. This book is a biography on the life of the one and only, Will Ferrel. This book tells the story of Will Ferrel, it showcases all of the great things Will Ferrel has accomplished throughout his life. Will Ferrel went from being a poor class clown as a child to becoming a rich comedic genius. Will Ferrel as a boy did not think he would be comedic actor but when he got out of college things took a very stange turn. Will became one of America's most beloved actors in such a short period of time. The general theme of this book would be to stay positive no matter what happens, and always keep an open mindset towards the future.

This story is told in the 3rd person point of view. As a child Will Ferrell says he had a normal life, his parents were divorced when he was ten but he kept a very good attitude toward the subject. He was always a class clown and he loved sports. Will went to college to study sports casting, he did not like that so he switched his major to acting. He joined a theatre group and got to the very top of that group by his junior year. Soon the show Saturday Night Live came to wills interest so he auditioned for it. He made it on to the cast in his middle 20's and his name soon became familiar. He slowly made his way up the SNL rankings and soon became the best utillity man in comedy. He then left the cast of SNL and devoted his comedic skills to the big screen. He made the casts of many hit movies including Anchorman, Zoo Lander, Taladega Nights, Semi-Pro, Elf, and many more! His legacy still continues to this day. I believe the intended audience of this book is middle aged adults and teenagers. The general field or genre of this book is biography, this book is written about someone so it is a biography. The author kept me intrested by describing all of the amazing things Will Ferrell has accomplished during his life. The authors style is very basic in my opinion. He writes out all of the information and divides the info. into paragraphs. No his style is not intended for his audience because really anyone can read this style just some people like it more.

This book affected me because I love Will Ferrell and to learn about his life was very interesting to me. Yes this book did change ideas I currently had about this topic. I used to think Will Ferrell knew he was going to be a comedic writer not find out in college, also I did not know he was an athlete. No this book did not change my world view. Yes this book did bring up memories. I remember reading a book about Babe Ruth and the author of that book wrote very similar to this author. Also this book brought up memories of a book I read about Jackie Robinson. 

This book was not very high quality in my opinion. The book was very bland and it never really caught me attention. Also I found myself very bored whilst reading this book. I do reccomend this book only if you like Will Ferrell. 

Carver Skarnulis 
Rating 3/5 

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